
a new word and other news

Dictionary.com Word of the Day: salubrious \suh-LOO-bree-us\, adjective:
Favorable to health; promoting health; healthful.

Use this word in a sentence: I learned today that my Nalgene bottle is not a salubrious item to possess.

Thanks to my sister Stacey for informing me (Thanks Sis for ruining my day) I have learned that my Nalgene bottle is created with a certain chemical (bisphenol A) and it may cause diseases such as breast cancer, obesity, hyperactivity, miscarriages and/or other reproductive failures.

I have a very committed and loving relationship with my Nalgene bottle. I take it everywhere and I'm lonely when I forget it. I prefer it over any other type/brand of drinking bottle and for a while I even had a cool flashlight that attached to the lid (until some jerk broke into my car and stole it). Through frantic research I have learned that Nalgene is taking care of this bisphenol A chemical and they have created and are perfecting new bottles that are quite salubrious indeed!

You can read about this HERE and HERE.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Man. It'll always be something. If 1 things not killing us, it's something else. Cell phones, sunscreen, the sun, tanning beds, trans fats, aaaaaah!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Shmapril-
You missed a great Gallery night last night!

Dustin and Stacey said...

Awww! I'm so sorry! :) Love ya!

Rachael said...

Yeah, I mourned too when I found out a couple months ago. Paul bought me a nice stainless steel water bottle that has taken the place of all those polycarbonate bottles. I like it. Perhaps just because it's red, but I do like it :-) Best wishes on your search for a new one.

Stephanie said...

Hey, I just clicked over here from Luz's blog. And it's funny that I happened to do that today, 'cuz I actually just did a post about how much I love my Nalgene bottles and am freaked out about the news. (A little late, I know, but I'm kind of in denial.) Anyway, just wanted to say hi and, if it's any consolation, I feel your pain.