
crazy cow

Today was a rough day at the academy. The students were restless, tired, sarcastic, and completely void of any ambition. I felt like I was forcing the lessons on them. My boys were out of control. A physical fight broke out in both of my classes, I almost laughed the second time around. They are good kids, but today was one of those days...the epitemy of Monday's dread.

There's a lot of talk in the news about Mad Cow. You may have heard the reports of the protests going on here in Seoul. Even the kids are aware of the issue. They call it "crazy cow" and they talk about it a lot. Don't worry about me, I'm fine. I haven't been attacked or anything.

Here is a picture of my school building. My hagwon is on the second floor.

Here are a few of my kids. The boys were playing pogs during classtime break.

I'm such a good teacher. I really keep the energy level at a high!


Dustin and Stacey said...

Aww! so cool! I'm so glad you took pics of the kids! I was just thinking that it would be fun to see them. Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

Now see, you need to teach those kids that they need to quit clubbin all hours of the night! Then they wouldn't be sleeping in class!