
i love this city


  • On Friday Aurelia and I went cycling around the city and she led me to the harbor and beach area. We sat at a lovely cafe on a long pier and drank exquisite espresso.
  • Then on Saturday we went hiking in what is called the Dandenong Ranges. It was lush and green and smelled of fresh earth and we saw a Kookaburra (but it didn't laugh).
  • Sunday Aurealia ran a half-marathan and I spent the morning watching fit runners and listening to stage music and cheering everyone on, and feeling inspired to excercize.
I have pictures of all of those days but I have limited internet access and the cafe here is very slooooowly uploading my photos. So below, please enjoy a bit of Melbourne through my eyes.

This is an astoundingly beautiful city, a mixture of all the things I love.
The architecture is vintage Victorian.
The espresso is top-of-the-line!
Public transport is rockin',
fresh markets boast a rainbow of fresh produce,
used book shops beckon you down intriguing alleys,
live music,
colors everywhere,
and the most friendly fun easy-going people you will ever meet.

I can't help but just fall instantly in love with it all!

Yep, it's all over the news here too!

The Queen Victoria Market could perhaps be my favorite place here.

I spent the afternoon/evening yesterday just wandering around the city. I walked an ungodly amount of kilometres just as happy as a clam. (hmm...a clam? whatever.) I'm filled with joy, so happy to be here, and excited to share at least these bits of it with you.

I sat for a while along the Yarra River. I enjoyed watching people, and also enjoyed a delicious pastry!

Yeah, pictures of me are rare these days. Much more amazing things to look at!

Peace y'all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you are having fun. Is Melbourne an "old" city as opposed to Sydney, etc? IT's funny to see people with coats on, is it cold there this time of year? You look wonderful! Love, Sue