
this entry is rated PG-13 for language...sorry, just couldn't filter it out

Okay, who am I kidding? I haven't even left Korea and I'm already blogging about my trip home. So that statement in my last post "don't hold your breath for updates this week"...whatever....

I got a whoppin' 2 1/2 hours of sleep last night. I just couldn't rest. I felt like I was forgetting something and then once I finally forced myself into bed I was afraid I'd sleep through my alarm. Just when I was finally into a good dream, I had to wake up.

I trekked to the bus stop while it was still dark outside. I had to stand there for about 20 minutes before the bus arrived. When it did, a cranky old Korean man got off and shoved me aside and grabbed my bag and slung it under the bus. "Well....good morning to you too Mr. Cranky Pants! Gamsahamnida!"

I only know one swear word in Korean and I heard the bus driver use it more than 15 times. Let me reenact it for you.

I'm dozing off... HONK! HONK!--"Shit!" And April wakes up again.

5 minutes later... HONK! --"Shit!"---HONK! And again, there goes my nap.

Seconds later... HONK! HONK! "Shit, Shit, Shit!"

My bus driver was not a happy camper. Maybe he ate some bad kimchi or something.

But I was also not quite a happy camper. My stomach was churning with hunger and I was imagining golden cups of coffee...hoping that I'd find a little coffee cafe once I passed through security. To my angst, I could only find duty free shops.

And then....


I love you Incheon International Airport!

I also thought this was a peculiar combination for a duty free shop. But hey, something for everyone I guess!

Okay, off to Tokyo!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

April, You are crazy!