
cold weather makes april very happy!

Yesterday it snowed!!!!!!! and it snowed a LOT!!!!
AND my GRE has been rescheduled until Monday night. Please continue to wish great smartness into my brain:)

Monday I will post pictures of the snow. Yesterday I woke up with the biggest smile. After digging my car out of it's own little snow cave, I shoveled my steps and made a snow angel. I cleaned my house and baked cookies and talked to 4 wonderful friends!

Today while I was driving I made a mental list of all the things that are currently making me happy:

So much snow that the trees look like they have been dipped in cool whip!

Stylish = layering my body with all of my favorite outfits at one time + boots, mittens, hats, and scarves that I've knitted.

Wearing sunglasses because the sun is reflecting off the snow.

Wearing my favorite boots.

Watching the kids sledding down the hill, inspiring me to plan my own sledding adventure.

Being so bundled up that everything is warm except for my nose.

Seeing my breath in the wind.

Drinking a hot cappucinno and feeling it inside my body.

Christmas music.

Oh....there's more to come, more favorites, more moments, more adventures, more pictures...

Love to you all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! Snow!!! It makes me happy too!!!
I wish my snow days were spent more like yours instead of like mine...working! :)