
hello my name is...

I came across some older photos...

When I finished school in Seattle, my dad--the amazing guy that he is!!!--brought the van out and we drove ALL THE WAY home with all my stuff. Actually, road trips with dad are always great. I look forward to them! You know all those strange places along the highways? The worlds largest thumb nail? The city where the portable toilet was invented? The worlds oldest junk yard? The actual spot where George Washington once took a nap? Yup, we've been to all of those places!

Well, on the way home from Seattle dad and I stopped at an Indian memorial site. Now, of course I should probably remember the details of this historical excursion but I only remember that it was a battleground between the Indians and the White Men. We watched some moving displays and some videos and then I remember walking around the property. I took some pictures of some of the memoral stones, giggling at the Indian names. There's something somewhat sacred about a name. People name their children with meaning in hopes that they will grow into the depth of their title. Things like "Peacemaker" or "Strong One" or "Kind" or "Loyal" are character traits that every parent would wish upon their child right? Well, what about these names? What did these kids do to deserve their names? Notice Hair Lip, or Hump Nose.

Can you feel the love? I can see it now...the little baby is born and the parents are shocked at this...well...what is it??? It's so...umm...cute. Let's call it Hump Nose.
Or how about Plenty Lice. Poor kid will NEVER live that one down!

How bad would a kid have to smell in order to inherit the name Young Skunk? Or the guy who is named Black Cloud?? What's he been eating?

Okay okay, it's fun and games on the surface but I really do admire these sorts of traditions. Indian culture is fascinating to me and I love learning about their heritage.
I think if I were an Indian, my parents would probably have chosen this for my name.
Fitting isn't it?

**Note: After this little highway adventure dad took me to see the Corn Palace! Wow, an entire building covered in corn!!!


Anonymous said...

Maybe they changed their names later in life?? Like certain people did in the Bible..

Dustin and Stacey said...

Fun times on family vacations. Ummm...I'm not really sure about the "Well Knowing One" though. I mean, ummm, well... Haha! Ok. I guess it might work!!

Just a Jabbott or two said...

this is hilarious! i'm catching up on your wonderfully written thoughts.....