
i'm back

Due to irreconcilable frustrations, Wordpress just didn't work out. I'm back to blogger and having fun with some template changes. Change. Yes, I'm getting back into the groove of change and I think it's consuming me.

I'm doing well. My life is spread so thin right now and it's beginning to wear on me. It's like when your favorite pair of jeans starts to wear down and you know that the crotch seam is going to tear at any moment. Yup, that's kinda what it feels like only I'm truly hoping none of my seams come undone.

It's hard to fit everything in. I have to prioritize my time and it never feels fair. I want to spend all my time with the people I love, but instead I'm waiting on tables, taking care of office duties, and sneaking in naps whenever I have a second to escape. There's never enough time.

Wednesday night I went for a walk with my friend Jen. Although I was tired, I was so glad for the company and the walk was a true escape from everything. Good friendships are great for that aren't they? They are the cream inside the Bavarian donut! Good friends are like the salt on the rim of the margarita glass... how? Well, you can figure that out for yourself.

Tonight is another such escaping night. I have the privilege of watching my friend Jon Troast play his music again. A night of acoustics, coffee, friends...one more night spent doing the things I love the most.

That's all for now. Thanks for putting up with my blogging temper tantrum. Love you all!


Tommy said...

Good grief... make up your freakin' mind! just kidding. Where are you seeing Jon?

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, this is driving me crazy! I have 2 RSS readers programmed with your blog, and I have to keep changing them! haha! I hope this is the last move.

Anonymous said...

btw, are you aware, as I am now, that I am good friends with you mystery friend "Jenn"?!

Anonymous said...

It is good to have you back here. I, as well, had a great time with you on Wednesday and last night. It was nice to hear Jon play again. And it is true Josh and I are friends. He cracks me up.

TulipGirl said...

What a good analogy. . . seam in the crotch about to give. . . I've been so spread thin lately, too. Just no margin, and Hubby has had little to give to make up for that. Can you believe I was looking forward to my minor outpatient surgery last week because I knew I could schedule a NAP at that time?! Still. . . God is faithful, even when I'm stretched. . .

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